Hazing Policy
Delta Phi Epsilon has a strict policy against hazing. This applies to every chapter of Delta Phi Epsilon.
The Beta Eta chapter does not condone hazing and strongly enforces this policy. There will be absolutely no hazing during the new member process, or as a full member.
New Member Process
The New Member Process provides a glimpse into the benefits and opportunites Delta Phi Epsilon has to offer. In addition to learning about our history, values, and member expectations, we also hope to instil a sense of pride in the organization as well as their campus and to encourage academic excellence, a sense of wisdom, and integrity into each new member.
The New Member Process lasts 6 weeks, and focuses on a different aspect of the sorority every week. Each of the five weeks represents one of the five S's: Serivice, Social, Sisterhood, Scholarship, and Self. These topics empower our new members to take an active role in not only the sorority but also their education and careers. The sisters of Delta Phi Epsilon hope for nothing more than a well rounded future sister, which is exactly what our orientation program is designed to encourage.
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Delta Phi Epsilon Beta Eta Recruitment Fall 2016

Delta Phi Epsilon Beta Eta Spring 2017 Recruitment Video

Delta Phi Epsilon - Beta Eta Fall Rush 2017